As I write this article today, I am in the process of detoxifying my soul of the contamination the unforgivness has left within me. Guilt, shame, anger,traumas and hurts; its is a stagnant pool for a constant cycle of depression and anxiety. Whether your struggle is not being able to forgive those who hurt you, or not being able to forgive yourself, it’s all an issue of the heart.
When Remembering Hurts
Many of us think over ways that others have hurt us over and over everyday. On other days, we beat ourselves up continuously. We scan all situations and all decisions for any warning signs of being hurt again or having regrets. We think that in doing this we are protecting ourselves from future hurt, when in reality we are only hurting ourselves form the inside out. Bitterness is a product of unforgivness. It can lead to paralyzing anxiety and is serious long term cases, dark depressions. When we do this we build walls between us and the blessings that God wants to instill on us. When we are tempted to continue this “self-protecting” habit we need to remember that perfect love cast out fear (1 John 4:18). No amount of self protection as going to give us the security we search for, it only drains us of emotional energy needed to love others the way that God loved us.
How We’ve Hurt God
Since the beginning of time men have been dealing hurtful blows to the creator. He has plenty of reasons not to trust of with anything, but he dose. He has every right to leave us to our own demise, but he doesn’t. How is this? He’s chosen to display forgiveness in the unwarranted death of his son; A death that we condemned him to. I could be a anger bitter God dealing out justice everyday but instead he continues to let us be in the world as he intend us. He allows this even though he knows we will ultimately destroy it. He is able to see the beauty in it all. Though we can never be perfect, we can try our best to mirror him is this way.
Unforgivness cuts off all circulation to the heart witch is what produces change. Think of how the story would have gone if Joseph had hated his brothers for selling him off the be a slave in the beginning of the bible story. What his brothers meant for evil God used for good. Next time your faced with the choice, choose forgiveness.